Our Mission
Give you access to all the information & contacts you need to explore and develop your activities, gathered in one place.
We speed connections with local startups and scale-ups through events programs, funding & networking opportunities.
Our podcast series and video interviews give diverse ecosystem actors the opportunity to get their messages heard, loud and clear.
La FrenchTech London is where newcomers & entrepreneurs can find a forum to share their experiences & knowledge

For 78% of startups networking is vital to entrepreneurial successes. Informal professional networks and communities are sometimes more important for entrepreneurial success than formal structures. Everyday we work on providing our community with the best chances to succeed in London.
We support future global tech champions through diverse programs, events, funding opportunities and a powerful network of over 2,500 members. We give you immediate access to an informal professional network and a community of local tech leaders.
We bring together founders, mentors, researchers, state agencies and investors around one unique table. We are open and strongly believe in diversity.
We thrive to inspire and engage our members with the best experiences to help Tech entrepreneurs launch and iterate fast.
We create opportunities for fantastic thought leaders to share their stories, the good and the crashes to help start-ups grow their positive impact, save time and raise faster.
We do so through our community since 2015.
Join a meet-up, a panel, a summer drink or an XL conference (400pax) to hear leaders from very different backgrounds and age share their best stories and latest BIG news.